The Three Harbors Century started in Ventura, headed south to Channel Islands, inland to Oxnard and Ojai, the climb up to Lake Casitas, and north to Santa Barbara for lunch. Then a nice downwind spin along the coast back to Ventura for lunch number 2.

6:30 check-in at Ventura Harbor.

The Channel Island Harbor covered with fog .

The fertile Oxnard Plain is one of the world's most important agricultural centers. It is the Strawberry and Lima Bean capital.

The Ventura-Ojai Valley bike path wanders along the Ventura River and Hwy 33. Foster Park is a nice stopping place. A Bobcat ran right in front of me -not quick enough for a picture.

Elevation map of a mostly flat ride except the climb from the coast up Ojai Valley and the Casitas Pass. Total climb was 3,945 feet.

The Casitas Pass Road was the highest point on this ride-1,117 feet. Guess the name of that lake.

The new Ortega Hill bike path along the 101 allows you to bypass the narrow and winding Ortega Hill Rd out of Summerland.

View south along Channel Drive in South Santa Barbara (Montecito). 30 miles to go mostly downwind and flat back to Ventura Harbor.