After a nice buffet breakfast. We left Fisherman's Wharf at 8:15. It was very slow leaving the city, cold, foggy, and misting for the first 35 miles. It was 54 degrees and I was soaked.

There were many picture spots and very scenic vistas which made the long distance very enjoyable.

Arrived in Santa Cruz at 4:30pm. Total ride tide was 6 hours:50 minutes, average speed=13.5 MPH, total ascent=4380 feet, 4296 Calories spent. Oh, and by the way, I fell once when my chain slipped off the chainring (now I know why they call it "chain suck") while going up hill. I was turning the pedal as fast as I could, but was going nowhere except off the road, down an embankment. Not a major fall, just a mild road rash and a shirt full of burrs.

Made it to the final checkpoint.
Way to go Dr. Nakata!!! What a great experience this is for you. Hope there is less road rash down the road...
Say HI to Donna (your awesome support crew) for me!!!!
Donna is my awesome support person.
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