Most of the ride was flat and stright, but many different road conditions existed-gravel, dirt, cracked.

Much of my ride was in wide open fields, when suddenly, out of the fields, a pack of about 8-10 wild dogs ran out and started attacking me. They were trying to bite at my feet, growling and barking, baring their teeth, and taking turns trying to run ahead of me and jumping at my front tire. The dogs were all black and one was a pit-bull type. Sorry, did not seem to have enough time for a picture. I finally was able to out ride them. Glad I wasn't jogging. I'll be looking for some pepper spray to carry along in future rides.
Modified that sign.

I don't think this sign is working.

The dogs wouldnt bother you if you didnt ride around with SPAM in your jersey pocket... Hey maybe you can make SPAM into a gel for Hawaiian Roadies... call it
Brudah Goo
Shaka, Brah! No problem wit dat.
I realize you probably weren't paying much attention to detail, but did you notice any coyotes in the pack?
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