The Stagecoach Century travels along the historic Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849. Also called County Route S2, it is the Imperial exit off Interstate 8 in Ocotillo and heads north to California Hwy 78 near Julian.

Google Earth view of the ride-not a house or road in sight.

The elevation map is symmetrical because this ride is "out and back" along the same road. The first half is a steady uphill climb to 2600 feet. The return is mostly downhill with two hill-climbs. The ride back was into a headwind so the downhill required some work. The return leg took me 30 minutes less than the outgoing uphill leg.

"Scenic, this ride is not"-as Yoda would say.

Typical view during the beginning of the ride is a long, lonely, uphill road, surrounded by rocks, sand, and shrub.

Google Earth view of "The Wall" seems tamer than it really is. After climbing for 30 miles, this 13% grade 300 feet climb took everything out of me. At about mile 37 (3 hours) I hit the Bonk -"a term used by cyclists, to describe a condition when the athlete suddenly loses energy and fatigue sets in, usually caused when glycogen stores in the liver and muscles are depleted, resulting in a major performance drop, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes hallucinations." I recovered by sucking down 3 glucose gels, drinking all the liquids I had left, and slowing my heart rate down to the 130's.

After climbing for 3 hours in the cold, and having no breakfast, I almost climbed into the Sag Wagon-"A car or truck that picks up or otherwise assists riders who have had to stop riding, either due to fatigue, injury, or mechanical failure."

A welcomed site-the Pleasant Valley Community Center. Lunch stop at the half way point where hot chili and sandwiches were served. There was a line at the heaters to thaw out frozen toes.

As scenic as it gets along this ride-the sun finally out and a little bit of green.

Snow in San Diego at 3000 feet-Brr. I was glad to survive my first 100 mile ride. It took me 7 hours:17 minutes of ride time with 1 hour of total rest time. Average speed 13.4 MPH.

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