7 AM sunrise along the 22 Freeway driving toward Anaheim.

The Orange Couty Wheelmen annual Spring Metric began at Yorba Regional Park, along the Santa Ana River Trail, into the hills of Corona, and out-and-back along Temescal Canyon Road. Total ascent 2,880 feet, total distance 63 miles, riding time 4 hours, average heart rate 142, and 2,898 Calories.

The start at Yorba Regional Park, cool morning fog with the temperature in the mid 50's. The sun never really came out during the ride.

Santa Ana River Trail is a Class 1 bicycle path in Orange County that parallels the Santa Ana River channel. It starts in Riverside County at the Green River golf course entrance, and extends about 28.8 miles to the Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach.

The "Y" at Featherly Park where the Santa Ana River Trail continues north. The park is situated under the Gypsum Canyon bridge.

This is the part of the Santa Ana River that's "green". That's the Green River Golf Course in the background. One course is in Orange County and the other 18 is in Riverside County.

Picture taken looking south from the Green River overpass. Rarely do you see the 91 Freeway this empty.

The foothills of Corona which has some nice hill climbs. The ride was mostly uphill going out. It took me 2 hr 15 min averaging 14.6 MPH going out, and 1 hr 50 min averaging 17.2 MPH returning.

Ten miles along Temescal Canyon Road to Lake Street which is on the border of Elsinore. U-turn and 32 miles back to the start.
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