More hill climbs till a descent into Laguna Beach. Biking in Laguna is crazy-squeezing through traffic, watching for car doors, braking suddenly, and climbing the whole time. I was glad to leave and be back to the climbs of PCH to a nice coast into Dana Point Harbor. Passed a lot of surfers on El Camino Real and entered the hills and turns of San Clemete. Just followed the green bike lane sign through the residential area, crossed the Cristianitos overpass, and on to the San Onofre beach path.
At about 8 miles made a left into a tunnel under the I-5, (watched for military vehicles) then another mile on what looks like a runway. A sharp left turn on to Las Pulgas took me to the Camp Pendleton gate. Showed my ID to the guard and was waved on in. There were shell casings on the road, tank warning signs, and nice open rolling hills.
Took Stuart Mesa Rd, turned right on Vadegrift and made a pit stop at McDonald's for a bag of fries, chocolate chip cookies, diet coke and lemonaide. Left Pendleton, crossed over the I-5 on Harbor Drive and cruised into Oceanside where I met Donna at Wendy's on Mission St. Had a spicy chicken sandwich, tanked up on fluids, and enjoyed the air conditioned ride back home.

Profile of my 68 mile ride. Lots of mild to moderate hills. Total time 5.5 hours. Average speed 13 MPH.
1 comment:
Nice work Mike....next time go for the triple cheese burger and a frosty... mmmmm greasy!! By the way... just pour the frosty into cycling shorts to help with the saddle sores
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