Our fourth consecutive day of riding took us along the east shore of Canandaigua Lake, more farm lands, Weaver's Bike Shop, Penn Yan (the northern city of Keuka Lake), and the Vineyards along the south west shore of Seneca Lake. Destination was the Watkins Glen High School, but it's not about the destination. It's about the journey. We knew that tomorrow would be a rest day so today's journey was especially energetic. We also knew that the finish would be downhill, so that also helped. Rain was in the forecast again, but maybe we would get lucky.

2,315 feet of climbing today, mostly long rollers with a long steady climb out of the town of Penn Yan, then a nice downhill into Watkins Glen.

Laurel has figured out a technique for riding "rollers" as much of ride was today. She races down the downhill and coasts up the uphill part as much as she can, and then shifts to her low gear and crawls to the summit.

Our first rest stop today was at the Rushville Fire Station. All of our rest stops introduced us to the local community-schools, parks, and community centers. Some of them prepared home made goodies and always offered hospitality.

Laurel behind some unusual traffic after our lunch stop in Penn Yan. The Amish and Mennonites are well represented in the Finger Lakes farming area.

We made a quick stop at the Glenora Winery overlooking Seneca Lake and then a nice-paced downhill ride into Watkins Glen. The weather today was overcast with a slight breeze to keep the humidity manageable, and no rain!
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