Day 5 was a rest day so we slept in a little, spent the morning at the laundromat watching the clothes go round and round and the rain come down, had Chinese food at the House of Hong, and spent the afternoon on Captain Bill's Seneca Legacy. We even got to see a movie for $3 at the local theater.

Photos taken by Laurel during our cruise on the lake.

US Salt Plant has been in business for over 100 years. Wells extend into the earth for over half a mile to tap into an unlimited reservoir of underground salt created by the evaporation of sea water more than 300 million years ago.

The small white structure in the clearing on the hill is the Lakeside Inn where we stayed while in Watkins Glen. Not quite "lakeside" and quite an uphill 5-mile bike ride from the town. The owner was very friendly, though, and gave us a ride into town. There is taxi service only twice a week in town, and on days when the taxi has to come from another town the fare is $45 for the 5 mile ride.

A Northern view toward Geneva. Seneca Lake is the largest of the Finger Lakes and measuring 38 miles long, it is the second longest. It is fed by underground springs and is replenished at a rate of 328,00 gallons per minute.

Hector Falls on the East side of Seneca Lake. We will be biking on that bridge tomorrow so more pictures to follow.

As the story goes, back in the late 1700s when General John Sullivan was avenging the Wyoming and Cherry-Valley Massacres, he chased a group of renegade Iroquois, up from present day Athens, Pennsylvania (then known as Tioga Point) to a point somewhere along the cliffs of Seneca Lake. The Indians escaped down a narrow footpath to canoes that they had hidden earlier in the underbrush. They used these canoes to paddle across the lake to safety. Later they came back and painted these paintings in commemoration of their escape.

A Bald Eagle soaring overhead checking us out. Nice telephoto shot, Laurel.
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